Sneakers are a multi-billion dollar business in the United States. Yet, it was not always like this. At one point, not even casual sneakers were on the market. It was all about athletics. In fact, the history of sneakers is tied to the sport of basketball. The Early...
Tips to Customize Your Charity Event
When you're hosting a charity event, you want it to be memorable for the guests and the contributors. One way to ensure that they will come back to donate again, is to customize everything that they come in contact with throughout the event. This includes promotional...
Applying Custom Artwork To Personal Items
Be it a mouse pad, a coffee mug or a T-shirt, we all like our personal belongings to reflect something about ourselves – even if it is only having our name on them. If all we want is our name; then, there are plenty of mass produced items available in the stores. But,...
Sustainable Materials Help save the Planet
Everyday, year after year, the world slowly eats away at our natural resources. Trees, oil, minerals and natural gas are all examples of resources that cannot be renewed. Trees can be planted and regrown but they take years to reach maturity. It is because of this...
Buy Eye Glass Frames Online in Long Island, NY to Get Better Prices
The cost of a pair of glasses can easily be shockingly high, even if you aren't adding a lot of special features like coatings or specialty materials. A major factor in this is the cost of frames, which can easily run up to hundreds of dollars. If you're just not...